Thursday 17 September 2009

WWW Lesson Plan

For the set induction

Task 1: In pairs, ask the Free Fortune Teller

Task 2: handout for the students

Example of suggestion for Follow-up activity


FORM : 2 Intermediate)

TIME : 8.30am-9.40am

TOPIC : E-Crystal Ball

THEME : People

LANGUAGE CONTENT : Grammar – Future tense

EDUCATIONAL EMPHASES: ICT Skills, Multiple Intelligences.

PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE : During the previous lesson, teacher already taught the students about future tense.

AIMS : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Compose creative questions

- Learn the use of future ‘will’.

- Apply their informational skills using technology


- Computers ( One per 2 students)

- Internet connection

- Web Browser

PREPARATION : 1) Type the ~ Free Fortune Teller at the Google Web

2) Browse through the website to make sure the content is suitable for the students and matches the topic of the lesson

3) Prepare a worksheet based on the information available in the website



- Set induction

o Teacher shows a picture of a fortune teller to the students

o Ask students what she does. What other things can she use to tell the future (cards, palm reading, tea leaves etc)?

o Asks them whether they ever been to a fortune teller before

o Introduce or ask the students about these vocabularies: crystal ball, earring, fog/cloud, fortune teller etc.

o Teacher introduces today topic “E-Crystal ball”

- Step 2

o Teacher asks students to work in pairs

o Asks them to surf the internet and go the website which will be display on the board

o Next, students must read the instruction on the website.

o Each pairs must ask their partner 5 yes/no questions and write it on a piece of paper. The questions must start with will, do/does, can, etc.

o Before students ask questions to their friend, teacher reminds them to ask creative, funny, and interesting questions.(Work, school, love, family, health, dream, etc)

- Step 3

o Then, each student from every pair must type every questions they ask to their friend

o The fortune teller of the crystal ball (on the website) will answer every question and the students will write the answer on the paper.

- Step 4

o Teacher will then ask every pair to read aloud their questions posted as well as the answer.

o The most creative pair which judge and choose by the audience (students) is the winner of the dayJ

o Teacher gives handout for the students (exercise)

- Conclusion

o Teacher gives advice to the students not to easily believe in something which are not relevant or appropriate ( Must be wise so that they will not easily cheated by others)

- Follow-up Activity

o Teacher wants the students to find other website similar like what they have done today and ask another 5 questions about themselves and share it with others in the next class. Teacher can suggest one of the application in Facebook to the students (for those who have FB and post it on their wall)


PAMMY said...

I don't know whats wrong to my blog. Been changed the skin for few times but still others cannot comment. Need help! setting? privacy? what else should I change?? ( memang buta IT la sy ni kot~ :(

dsoulkeeper said...

pam..fortune telling will absolutely will catch the students with application from fb!really nice!

zahiRah said...

Good idea ! never taught of using this application in the lesson plan..students will enjoy this :)

PAMMY said...

Thanks dsoulkeeper and zahiRah:)

IVY's said...

This is a good way to teach future tense to the students. Moreover students will be more motivated to do the task as they will choose a winner after they present their task to the class

Safia Ibrahim said...

hohohoho..a good use of the famous application...this will surely grab students' attention as the answers given by the fortune teller are unpredictabe and can be out of context sometimes...

Good Job Pammy..

PAMMY said...

Thanks Ivy;)I wish I can do this with my students during our practical. Really eager to see how they will react;)

Ismi, thanks! Ya, not just the student's attention but my attention too. heheh:D Before I choose this, I try it myself and I have so much fun doing it. In FB, try the Ahli Nujum. so funny. Surely blh terkentut2 ketawa bla bc jawapan:D

femme said...

haha...i know u r addicted with that ahli nujum pam.thats y u chose this topic kn hehe btw, it is interesting..predict2 thingy is owez love by the students

femme said...

i know y u choose this pam. u r soooooooooo addicted to it kn hehe btw it's interesting.students definitely love it.this predict2 thingy is owez at the heart

PAMMY said...

Eleh2...bukan ko kah yg introduce Pak Nujum perut boroi tu dgn aku? :D Tapi boleh tahan juga dia predict my future owh. Will have lots of money, married soon, dgn anak raja lagi tu. kah kah kah... btw, thanks Femme;)

lilly said...

Pam..... oh my god... i totally fall in love with your lesson... i never thought of fortune teller before but eventually your lesson makes me think that when incorporated well in the lesson, it is ABSOLUTELY FUN... love your idea :)

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